As a way to spread the convenience of offline music and audiobook streaming under MuConvert's help to more users, this free license event is launched to encourage you to spread your voice! From today, it is possible for you to introduce MuConvert and our products by writing a post review or creating a video guide. By publishing the reviews meeting certain requirements, you will be given a free MuConvert license in return to allow you to use the registered version of our products completely for free! Now, seize the chance to post a MuConvert review and win the free license no matter if you are a blogger, socializing talent, webmaster, or YouTuber!

Write an Article Review of MuConvert on Your Blog/Website
The first method to get a free MuConvert license is by writing
a post review on MuConvert or any of its software objectively. This reviewing method can
be suitable for bloggers or webmasters who own a website or blog, and the Daily Active
Users be up to 20,000. You only need to make sure your original MuConvert review is
written with more than 600 words with helpful information and at least one do-follow
link to the MuConvert homepage or its product page.
Once the post is published, send the
URL of it to MuConvert through the email address:, we will then check the post
immediately. Once confirming that your review on MuConvert meets the above requirements,
we will give the free license to you by email in return.
Make a Video Review of MuConvert and Upload to YouTube
For YouTubers who own a YouTube channel with more than 300 subscribers, you are eligible to post a video review for MuConvert to get the free license. Simply by creating a video introduction to MuConvert software of more than 90 seconds long and posting it on your channel with at least one do-follow link given back to the MuConvert homepage or the product page in the description, you then can share the video link to us by email: Once we review the posted YouTube video, a free license will be given to you immediately.
Post an SNS Review of MuConvert on Your Social Media
If you don't host a website or bloggers with good rankings, and also don't run a YouTube channel with at least 300 subscribers, using your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and so on to post a SNS review for MuConvert is also possible. But you need to make sure that your account has at least 1000 followers first. Once the SNS review is posted, like the above methods, you only need to send its link or capture a screenshot to by email, we will then send the free license key back to you.
After getting the free MuConvert license successfully, make sure you don't hide the review or delete it immediately. Once we verify the existence of such a situation, we reserve the right to cancel your access to the free license by deactivating it. And you are unfortunately not allowed to join this event anymore.
These are all 3 methods you can try to get a free license from MuConvert. You are also welcome to send your thoughts to us for cooperating in other ways. If you get more fresh ideas, contact and share them with us immediately!